
The Facebook page of our Spanish Partner ANARMA has been blocked for "hate speech".

ANARMA has never posted at anytime, anything that could be considered as "hate speech". Facebook it seems, simply tries to silence pro-gun activists.

ANARMA got its page again activated by Facebook but this case proofed one point, which we already knew beforehand: our dependency on Facebook is very dangerous! In order to be prepared for similar measures, Firearms United has decided to collect data from its followers, so in the event that Facebook decides to also shut us down, we still can reach out to YOU!

Although we have asked for a lot of data, the only mandatory item is your email address. Everything else is optional. Please decide by yourself, whIch data you would like share with us!


* Privacy rules: We just use your data to keep you informed about the activities of Firearms United. We will not share your data with other parties and we will not spam you. In case you want us to delete you data, you simply can unsubscribe from the list at any time without stating any reason.