brings together more than 100 million law-abiding gun owners in Europe. These include reservists, hunters, sport shooters, collectors, firearm dealers, manufacturers, security professionals, range operators and ordinary citizens who own not restricted weapons.

We are finally open for registration! You can sign up as a support member to Firearms United Network. The membership fee to be paid is for 2019.
In order to pay your membership fees, which is 25 Euros per year, please use this account number:
ING Bank Slaski
Firearms United Network
IBAN: PL27 1050 1025 1000 0090 3170 5008
Please describe the transfer in the following way:
[your name and family name] membership fee for 2020
Our first and most important mission is to stop the European Union from implementing new regulations making the EU citizen's access to firearms more difficult.
Firearms United

Do YOU feel free and safe?
We don’t. FIREARMS UNITED has a goal. To unite all gun owners, hunters, sport shooters, gun collectors as well as other gun-friendly passionates, but also to provide you with the knowledge, tools and assistance needed to make changes. Not only do we have the strength and support within the organization, there is a fast-growing network of partners, including individual citizens and institutions which provide us with help in direct dialogue and action.

Do YOU feel Important?
You are! Because you are our hope to change things! Alone we cannot change anything, but together there is no mountain we can’t climb! Join the initiative and share it with others - take one small step, and together we will make it a step into a better future! In October 2013 we started as a European confederation, but now we have partners on every continent: Asia, Africa, Australia, North and South America. Lots of regulations are made on UN level, so Europe was to small for our union.

Can YOU help?
Yes, you can! And it's probably easier than you imagine! All you have to do is join our team with faith in a better tommorow. That's why we are here - to help you helping us to achieve our mutual goal!