Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf Amerikanisches Englisch verfügbar. Der Inhalt wird unten in einer verfügbaren Sprache angezeigt. Klicken Sie auf den Link, um die aktuelle Sprache zu ändern. Article of EUobserver by NIKOLAJ NIELSEN of 14/11/16: EU lawmakers are meeting on Tuesday (15 November) for another round of backroom talks to curb gun violence and prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons … Read More
Fighting Fund sent a team to Brussels
FIREARMS UNITED’s Fighting Fund enabled us to send a team of members and independent experts to Brussels. The team arrived on Monday to attend important meetings prior to and during the IMCO vote of today. We thank our donors.
Commissioner’s Scandalous Speech led to Rejection by MEPs
Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska ( European Commission ) claimed 100.000 deaths in ten years by legally-held firearms and said law abiding citizens should not own semi-automatic firearms at all. Snippets of Commissioner’s speech: I think that first we have to limit the access to automatic and semi-automatic firearms. Such assault weapons are not necessary for sport shooting. Hunters in some member states are … Read More
MEP Christofer Fjellner: no impact assessement = rejection
Conservative MEP Christofer Fjellner from Sweden found the right words. Watch! Snippets of his speech: Instead of getting to the real problem with illegal guns all of the proposal hits the legal guns and has no impact on terrorists or criminals at all. 5-years-licenses, medical exams, hindering distance trade and banning certain semi-automatics won’t stop terrorists but hit hard the … Read More
MEP Jussi Halla-aho: Reject whole proposal!
The next MEP – after Christofer Fjellner (SE) – rejects the proposal: Jussi Halla-aho (FI) Snippets of his speech: The large number of ammendments is encouraging as many of them address the most excessive and disproportional details in the proposal. The rapporteur has also generally done a good job. We should reject not only the proposed and unjustified ban on semi-automatic … Read More
FACE: Commissioner Bieńkowska’s 100.000 deaths unfounded
Commissioner Bieńkowska’s Scandalous Speech Mrs Elżbieta Bieńkowska ( European Commission ) claimed 100.000 deaths in ten years by legally-held firearms. FACE’s Press Release „FACE President Michl Ebner commented: “Commissioner Bieńkowska’s unfounded statement that 100,000 citizens were “murdered” by legal firearms does not contribute to the democratic debate on the revision of the Firearms Directive. The European Commission is adopting an … Read More
MEP Richard Sulik: Withdraw the directive!
Snippets of MEP Richard Sulik’s speech The European Commission is trying to restrict people’s personal freedoms. No terrorist is going to get a weapon at a normal dealer. I thank the rapporteur for her hard work to remove the nonsense from the proposal. Ms Bieńkowska suprised me yesterday, when she said, that we don’t need so many weapons. Surely citizen’s … Read More
New Amendments of IMCO published
The Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) published 847 amendments for the EU Firearms Directive. Download PDF : 847_Amendments by IMCO (Update on 15-05-2016) We thought, 250 amendments at the LIBE committee were much, but now we see up to 800! Funny phenomenon: Every time we see something and think „Hey, that is total bullshit“, it came from Durand (French … Read More
What is FIREARMS UNITED’s goal?
We want to inform people and mainstream that legal gun ownership is not a threat, but a benefit for our security. We want that worldwide polls will have the same outcome as in the US. In the US the public opinion on legal gun ownership shifted within 15 years. We need to shift worldwide opinion in less than 5 years. … Read More
Finally we moved to WordPress and installed a „Member Space„. We recommend to sign in (with nick and your country) as a member. We will try to publish as much news as possible from Facebook and other sources to our new website. You can comment our pages and we will soon be able to send newsletters. http://firearms-united.com/members/