Short notice

ABOUT FUNDS 11/06/2016 PAYPAL: 5.279,05 € ING DIRECT: 3.949,62 € Thanks !

EU restrictions: the Council approves, the fight moves at the European Parliament

06/10/2016 – After the shameful approval of the restrictive proposals of the Dutch Presidency by the Council of the European Union, it’s up to hunters and sport shooters EU-wide to pressure the European Parliament to reject all proposals! Article by Pierangelo Tendas (  On Friday, June 10th, 2016, the European institutions gave another proof of elitist infamy during the meeting of … Read More

Swedish Minister of Interior under Suspicion

We have just been informed that Anders Ygeman, the Swedish Minister of Interior, is subject to parliamentary investigation by the constitutional committee regarding his work with the Firearms Directive. Leaked documents indicate that the mandate given by the Parliament, that the Firearms Directive shouldn’t be unnecessarily burdensome to legal firearm owners, has not been followed. According to leaked documents Sweden … Read More

Update for Donations

Thank You! DATE – DONATOR BANK TRANSFER BALANCE  08.06.2016 – 11 donators  315,00  315,00  09.06.2016 – 55 donators  2270,77  2.585,77  09.06.2016 – UNPACT (FR)  500,00  3.085,77 tbc We will list donations by Paypal when they are booked in the account. On 09.06.2016 we had 100 pending donations by Paypal with 2.300 €. See more: Donate Now For FIREARMS UNITED’s Fighting … Read More

Donate Now For FIREARMS UNITED’s Fighting Fund

Din păcate acest articol este disponibil doar în Engleză Americană și Franceză. For the sake of viewer convenience, the content is shown below in this site default language. You may click one of the links to switch the site language to another available language. FIREARMS UNITED has been engaged in the fight against the EU Commission’s unjust proposal to amend … Read More

Commissioner’s Scandalous Speech led to Rejection by MEPs

Commissioner Elżbieta Bieńkowska ( European Commission ) claimed 100.000 deaths in ten years by legally-held firearms and said law abiding citizens should not own semi-automatic firearms at all. Snippets of Commissioner’s speech: I think that first we have to limit the access to automatic and semi-automatic firearms. Such assault weapons are not necessary for sport shooting. Hunters in some member states are … Read More

#EUgunban: FACE’s press release attacks the Dutch Presidency

Article by Pierangelo Tendas ( 06/04/2016 – The latest documents on the planned EU gun ban show the Dutch Presidency’s intent to impose restrictions on much more than „just” modern sporting rifles and magazines: FACE attacks with a press release outlining the danger of such proposals! What follows is FACE‘s latest official press release concerning the latest developments on the planned … Read More


Whilst we could celebrate a small victory in the European Parliament, governmental staff work behind the curtains of GENVAL and COUNCIL for more restrictions and bans. Our Governments, Ministries and Member of Parliament need to know what is going on in GENVAL and at the COUNCIL. They are responsible for its outcome: ban something due to lies or ban nothing … Read More