FU-member NFA at the Supreme Court Of Canada

When the province of Quebec refused to destroy data collected on firearms registration as ordered by the Federal government, Canada’s National Firearms Association (NFA) acted.

The Quebec government had sought the right to make use of that data to maintain a provincial firearms registry in Quebec. The federal government disagreed and the matter went to court in Quebec and wound up in the Quebec Court of Appeal. That court found upheld the right of the federal government to destroy that data. Quebec appealed to the Supreme Court of Canada, and the NFA sought to intervene, as did the Coalition for Gun Control. Both parties were accepted by the Court.

Representing the NFA was Lawyer Guy Lavergne – our arguments supported and added to the federal position by supporting the privacy rights of firearms owners and the need for consistent application of these laws across Canada.


The court handed down its decision on March 27, 2015 and the transcript may be read here:  Quebec (Attorney General) v. Canada (Attorney General), 2015 SCC 14 (CanLII)


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